Friday, December 8, 2006

Jessica Biel and Derek Jeter in 7th Heaven?

Jessica BielJessica Biel and Derek Jeter spent the weekend after Thanksgiving cozying up all over Las Vegas.

You tell me - New Couple or Vegas Fling?

Sneeking kisses at the VIP table they shared with a couple of Jeter’s New York Yankees teammates.

They played blackjack at Palms Casino Resort’s Mint Lounge before dinner.

They snuggled up at Hard Rock’s Body English nightclub, traded pecks on the cheek and were in general “very lovey dovey” in their VIP booth, according to a clubgoer.

They have been spotted out before ‘looking like they were on a date’: At Social Hollywood on Nov. 15.

But when Jeter was asked if he was single, Jeter told PEOPLE, “Hell, yes!”

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