After seeing pictures of her splashed across the world, Britney has promised fans that there will be “a new me” in 2007. I know she’ll never be the Britney that appeared on the cover this particular album, but couldn’t it, shouldn’t it, at least inspire her?
She was absolutely adorable then! Don’t you agree?
Via Britney’s website, the singer has stated: “It’s been so long since I’ve been out on the town with friends. It’s also been two years since I’ve even celebrated my birthday.
“Every move I make at this point has been magnified more than I expected, and I probably did take my new found freedom a little too far.”
I kind of feel sorry for Britney! I know what it’s like to emerge from a horrible marriage and want to just LIVE for a while - Britney can’t do that without every little step being disected to the tiniest of detail.
I’m sure K-fed has a lot to do with that - it’s certainly in his best interest, isn’t it? Trying to prove Brit unfit to parent their two children so he can keep on with his most successful of careers thus far. You know, the one where he gets to empty the wallet of Britney Spears.
Can you even imagine Kevin Federline having to pay support?
Now, I wonder what Paris will do for a new BFF to hang out with?
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